Boost conversion and sales in your e-shop - Labelcall
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Boost conversion and sales in your e-shop

Make visitors to your online store your customers!

Did you know that some of the elements of your store can discourage customers from buying? Let’s change to!

Many of the services we provide are aimed at building traffic to the online store’s website. This is necessary, especially in the early stages of development. At a later date, however, these activities must be accompanied by another process. Conversion optimization! What do you think, with a large scale it is easier to double the traffic or double the conversion?

We have identified several dozen factors that ultimately affect the purchasing decision of your potential customers. From technical parameters, through those relating to graphics and content, to customer service and the purchasing process. All of them are thoroughly analyzed during conversion optimization in your online store. Each error is accompanied by a recommendation of the correct solution. Even the smallest change is designed to symbolically increase the e-commerce conversion rate, so that all recommended modifications will significantly increase your store’s revenue.

We must treat each online store individually. Other patterns are created by the biggest competitors in the industry, different sources of traffic reign in the sales process, the shape of the target group is not always the same. We cannot indiscriminately recommend always the same solutions without paying attention to the above factors. That is why experiments and independent tools play such an important role in the conversion optimization process. By supporting our work, we maximize the probability of achieving the goal.

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1. Optimizing your conversion rate is a huge saving!

Think how much money you have to spend to generate, for example, one hundred thousand zlotys of income? What budget do you need for Google and Facebook campaigns? How long did it take you to position the website? Conversion optimization is a process that will allow your company to generate more income while maintaining the same financial outlays, or the same income while introducing savings.

2. Simplify the ordering process and increase conversion
in your online store

Why do customers abandon their baskets? This is often due to a complicated ordering process. Therefore, optimize your shopping cart.

Start by letting your recipients checkout without signing in. Then check how many subpages the shopping path has and whether its passage is friendly. Ideally, the mechanism should be closed in three numbered steps. In addition, require the user to provide only the necessary data.

Also, make sure that your online store reacts quickly and intuitively to the recipient’s clicks, also at the stage of searching for products in the search engine. Thanks to such actions, the conversion rate in your online store will increase.

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3. Take care of professional Customer Service

The e-consumer does not always make a purchase decision immediately. Sometimes the recipient, especially those interested in specialized goods, wants to talk to Customer Service. In such a situation, you should demonstrate professionalism and competence.

Giving good advice will make you an expert in the industry and build trust in your e-shop. In addition, a satisfied customer can write a positive opinion about you on the web.

Also remember that each contact on the part of the user is an opportunity to finalize the sale and finalize the transaction. Thanks to this, you will use the potential of website traffic.

4. Effective online customer service is worth its weight in gold

Online customer service is a vast and complex field of marketing that is undoubtedly one of the main factors in the success of running a business.
Not only the attractive offer of the store / activity counts. It is the care for relations with consumers that determines whether the customer will stay with a given company or will prefer to find an alternative.

That is why you should take care of a personalized way of contact with the client, i.e. provide him with various options to choose from.
For some, a telephone conversation may be problematic and is associated with a long wait for a connection with a consultant who then gives incomprehensible answers. If the client does not find another option for himself in the form of a quick, pleasant and effective contact – he will leave.

You just got acquainted with ideas for increasing conversion in an online store.
However, there are many more methods to increase sales in an e-shop. Remember that if you want to get a large number of transactions compared to your website traffic, you should monitor your activities e.g. using Google Analytics and optimize them. Develop your e-business!